Duran Mobility and Transit Company – Ecuador signs a contract with Duran Road Safety Consortium for the Concession of the Traffic electronic ticketing System
The Duran Mobility and Transit Company – Ecuador has awarded the Duran Road Safety Consortium made up of Great Group, GSI Sertracen Group and other technological partners the contract for the provision, implementation, administration , assembly and maintenance of fixed technological equipment for the detection, registration and subsequent notification of traffic violations due to speeding and red light evasion; the implementation of a computer platform for the registration, administration and control of traffic violations detected.
With the use of this modern technology for detecting traffic violations, it seeks to reduce the number of traffic accidents, of people injured in them and improve traffic and traffic in the City of Duran, Ecuador.
The Consortium will be responsible for the next 12 years of the operation of the concessioned system in the form of a strategic ally and will also have to set up the citizen service offices, the project logistics center and all the necessary citizen help desk processes.
For the execution of this important contract, state-of-the-art equipment will be used by the renowned international companies Sensys Gatso and Elkim, both leaders in technology for the automatic detection of traffic violations.
Great Group and GSI Sertracen Group are very pleased to be able to contribute to improving road safety in the countries in which we operate.
For more information on the solutions that our companies offer, you can access:
https://greatgroupholdings.com/ www.e-gsi.net www.sertracen.net